Changsha IFS Featured on CCTV

CCTV features the super high-rise Changsha IFS by Wong Tung

Date: September 28, 2016

In August 28, 2016, the 452 meters skyscraper rises in the business district of Changsha City, in Hunan Province. China’s rapid economic development has led to a boom in the construction of skyscrapers. The super high-rises under construction in China accounts for more than 80% of the world’s total. This 452 meters newly completed skyscraper is the Changsha International Financial Center, designed by Wong Tung and Partners. Consists of two super high-rise towers and ancillary podium, with a total area of 102.2 million square meters, equivalent to twice the size of the world’s first high-rise towers. Tower 1 alone consists of 60,000 tons of steel, 200,000 cubic meters of concrete and 110,000 square meters of glass curtain wall, weighing up to 620,000 tons. To have accomplished such project as the Changsha IFC certainly reflects the region’s “high level architectural skills, science, technology, and economic strength”.

Full documentary “Traveled China” 20160928, “Architecture Dream” series, Episode 3 “The top of Changsha”.

本期节目主要内容: 2016年8月28日,一座高达452米的摩天大楼,在湖南省长沙市五一商圈主体结构完工。中国经济的飞速发展,带动了摩天大楼建设热潮,这种热潮从东部城市向中部、西部城市发展,成为在经济实力和城市形象的标志,中国在建超高层建筑的数量已经占世界在建总数的80%以上。新落成的摩天大厦是即将开业的长沙国际金融中心,它由2座超高层塔楼和附属裙楼组成,总面积100.2万平方米,相当于世界第一高楼哈里发塔两倍的面积。仅452米的1号塔楼,就使用了6万吨钢、20万立方米混凝土和11万平方米的玻璃幕墙,自重达到了62万吨。又深、又高、又大、又闹,有人把这组摩天大厦的建筑难点总结为这八个字,最奇妙的是这栋大楼的地下部分是从上往下盖的。《走遍中国》 20160928 5集系列片《筑梦》(3)长沙之巅.
