Development Bureau episode on the Trade and Industry Tower

Development Bureau episode on Trade and Industry Tower

Date: August 25, 2018
Source: Hong Kong Development Bureau

The Secretary for Development, Mr. Michael Wong, accompanied by members of the Architectural Services Department, talks about the design and functionalities of the Trade and Industry Tower. And how these unique features help achieve energy saving and reduce emissions. An exceptional eco-friendly building by Wong Tung.

啟德工貿大樓 推動可持續發展建築設計

工貿大樓項目由一座辦公大樓和一所啓德社區會堂組成。辦公大樓高22層,另設一層地庫,淨實用樓面面積約33,000平方米,共容納九個政府部門及政策局。秉承啟德發展區可持續發展的理念,大樓特別善用綠化和節能裝備,再配合再生能源技術,總用電量較一般商廈少約36%,並獲得香港「綠建環評新建建築」(BEAM Plus)及美國「能源和環境設計領先認證計劃」(LEED)兩項綠色認證評定為最高 Platinum 的級別,成績令人鼓舞。”

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